One of the ways to track your progress is a retrospective exercise to acknowledge what you’ve learned in a year and what experiences contributed to making you a better person.
There are so many things that play a role in your continuous construction of identity. Nobody is self-made – we all are the sum of all the things that contribute to our identities and beliefs, daily.
14 Books that opened up my mind in the past year
One of the ways to track your progress is a retrospective exercise to acknowledge what you’ve learned in a year and what experiences contributed to making you a better person. There are so many things that play a role in your continuous construction of identity. Nobody is self-made – we all are the sum of Continue Reading
45 Reasons WHY we BUY things and 1 AD rewriten in 45 WAYS.
Did you ever think about how many reasons are behind our BUYING BEHAVIOURS? It’s amazing when you think about how many triggers can push the “take out the wallet” button. Once you understand them you can decript what stands behind each AD you see. And of course, most times, it’s not just one reason and Continue Reading
Your MIND during a WEEK.
I am seating with a mild coffee, happily soaked into the Sunday’s wonderful sun blaze after I finished a refreshing run. God, I love running on weekend days! The joy of exercising under a sunny sky, after a good lunch nap is pure infatuation. I stopped by Gioelia candy shop (ex Emilia) and got one Continue Reading
Storytelling Strategy: Inside of the mind of genius writer
Dan Brown is an American author best known for his thriller novels, including: The Da Vinci Code (2003), The Lost Symbol (2009), Inferno (2013) or Origin (2017). His novels are treasure hunts that feature recurring themes of cryptography, art, science and disruptive discoveries with the potential of global impact. His books have been translated into 57 languages Continue Reading
The Ultimate Proof of Love
Have you ever wondered why we plan so much in life? Mostly, to achieve a desired goal, to arrive at a destination in time, or to make sure certain things happen. And yet, the real question is: Is planning really enough? Is it sufficient to establish a route, if you don’t have the amount of commitment Continue Reading
365 Project Interview by Daniel Stanciu
Acum cateva luni m-am întâlnit cu Daniel Stanciu să povestim despre proiectul lui: Treisasecinci. Mi-a plăcut mult frame-ul de întrebări pe care l-a gândit ca să cunoască un om în 20 de minute. E cel de mai jos, iar răspunsurile mele le găsești în podcast. Enjoy!
1. Pe cine admiri cel mai mult si de ce?
2. Ce obiceiuri sau convingeri noi ai adoptat in ultimul an sau ani care schimbat viata intr-un sens pozitiv?
3. Daca ar fi sa inveti pe cineva un lucru care ar fi acela?
4. Care e una din investiitile tale care a dat roade?
5. Care e acel lucru pe care omenii il considera nebunesc si tu nu?
6. Ce ai pune pe un afis care ar fi vazut de tot globul?
7. Ce faci cand nu esti focusat si te simti coplesit?
8. Daca fericirea ar fi moneda nationala, ce munca face bogat?
9. Ce carte, carti ai face cadou tuturor prietenilor tai?
10. Ce frica ai depasit, si ce ati invatat din experienta?
11. Caruit fapt atribui cele mai mari reusite din viata ta? Dar cele mai mari esecuri?
12. Daca ai pierde totul maine, ce ai face?
13. Ce sfat da unei versiuni mai tinere a ta?
14. Care e cea mai buna metoda prin care o persoana poate obtine ce vrea?
15. Care e prima persoana la care te gandesti cand auzi cuvantul succes si de ce crezi ca a reusit?
16. Ce nu te intreaba oamenii niciodata si dori sa te intrebe?