When we think global brands we think names that are easily encountered in our daily vocabulary, brands & companies we know and consume, while it seems as if they have been there since ever. BUT HOW ARE GLOBAL BRANDS & COMPANIES CREATED? There are some fundamental rules, there are industry variations at the same time Continue Reading
Ikea – Global Brands – Strategy Deconstruct
When we think global brands we think names that are easily encountered in our daily vocabulary, brands & companies we know and consume, while it seems as if they have been there since ever.
There are some fundamental rules, there are industry variations at the same time when it comes to strategy. It takes time, it takes perseverance, it takes innovation, it takes a profound understanding of the people who are buying your products. The answer is complex. There’s no universal version of it.
So what I suggest is that instead of finding the perfect answer let’s rather get a better understanding of “how a car is made” by undoing it. Let’s take a journey back in time to understand how did Ikea become what it is today and which were the most amazing innovations that transformed the company into a global brand!
- 20 KEY MOMENTS in the brand’s expansion.
- 6 STRATEGIC INNOVATIONS that exponentially developed the company.
- THE TIMELINE IN BETWEEN MILESTONES – so that you get a better comprehension of the TIME needed to create a global brand.
- KEY FACTS about Ikea you might not know.
Now let’s dive into the past and see how Ikea started.
The CHVMC-B Formula for Great Ads #2 : Nike, Jordan Peterson & More
The CHVMC-B Formula for Great Ads #2 ADS: Nike / Jordan Peterson / Art of Introvert The CHVMC-B formula helps you analyze the ads you are seeing every day, in a smart way! By the end of this article, we will analyze 3 ADS and you will learn: 6 critical points that are highly important Continue Reading
The C.A.P.T.U.R.E formula for Great Ads
The C.A.P.T.U.R.E. Formula for Great Ads Contrast Attention, please! Product To Do Utility Reinforce branding Effortless user-flow Today we will be learning a practical formula you could use to analyze the ads you are seeing every day, in a smart way and build your own, at the same time. By the end of this article, Continue Reading
45 Reasons WHY we BUY things and 1 AD rewriten in 45 WAYS.
Did you ever think about how many reasons are behind our BUYING BEHAVIOURS? It’s amazing when you think about how many triggers can push the “take out the wallet” button. Once you understand them you can decript what stands behind each AD you see. And of course, most times, it’s not just one reason and Continue Reading
If you get the chance to read Matthew McConaughey’s memoir these days, do it. It’s a really food book that gets you immersed into great stories. What I loved about it (besides his warm insights on life) was the techniques he used to enhance his readers’ engagement. You’ll find the DECONSTRUCT SCHEME below and some Continue Reading
Storytelling Strategy: Inside of the mind of genius writer
Dan Brown is an American author best known for his thriller novels, including: The Da Vinci Code (2003), The Lost Symbol (2009), Inferno (2013) or Origin (2017). His novels are treasure hunts that feature recurring themes of cryptography, art, science and disruptive discoveries with the potential of global impact. His books have been translated into 57 languages Continue Reading
SETH GODIN’S STRATEGY on approaching over 20 types of personas
If you ever had the chance of listening to Seth Godin, you know that he has a particular style of hooking one’s attention for the whole length of his storytelling. I had the opportunity of listening to him, both, in a live session (via BRAND MINDS) as well as online, and the effect was just as Continue Reading
In this article: What is virality? Understanding viral marketing. Explaining the processes behind some of the most popular viral campaigns. Recipe steps: Can one create viral campaigns? A 6-step plan that you can use to make the most of your campaigns. Let’s start from the beginning. 1. What is VIRALITY? Virality is the tendency of Continue Reading