Ready, set, run!?
Last run for 2017 and I’m drawing the line at 908k. In February 2017 I was setting the 1000k yearly goal.
8 months later, in September, I was reaching the 750k milestone, but I also crashed into a nasty knee issue: Patellofemoral Pain syndrome (PFPS), or “the runner’s knee”, which got its nickname for an obvious and very unfortunate reason—knees inflammation.
Therefore, I had to stop running for the next 3 months (which I did…more or less) and start my physioteraphy treatment with a kinetoteraphy recover squedule as followed. All that with a bit of yoga vibe around..
They say listen to your doctor and be nice taking your medicine! Well, let’s just say that behaving might not always be my strength. Maybe because I just can’t take no for an answer, or at least not that easy, for sure.
The show must go on!
Therefore, I kept on running. Not as I used to, of course, but enough to keep moving forward and still keep my knees on recovery mode.
Today, 3 months later, I’m back in the game with a 150k added to my yearly goal, reaching 908k instead of 750k.?
Bottom line?
My learnings from the whole experience were priceless!
Besides the overall vibe of running, the positive impact it had on my health and my inner balance, besides the abundance of solutions and clever ideas I got from it, I realised that the biggest impact I received from it was the way it changed my mindset.
It thought me that I’ll never quit easily on something I want. Never.
There is a fine line tho, when you have to choose between the things you have to get over and leave behind and those worth pushing your limits for. Learning when you should cross that line it’s called wisdom. And you can only buy it with life experience and the courage to fail!
I learned that I am definitely stronger than I thought. And I’ve always thought about myself as one of the strong ones.
I learned that perseverence always pays off the hustle. Always.
At last, but not least, I choose to go for the gold and I choose to not settle for less! On the running trail, in my career, with my overall goals…and life!
I encourage you to do the same. 🙂
Have an amazing 2018!