To wrap it up, the psychological effect that the desert has on the human mind is highly therapeutic for it gives it the space needed to deal with all the creative chaos that is shaken on the inside.
If you get the chance to read Matthew McConaughey’s memoir these days, do it. It’s a really food book that gets you immersed into great stories. What I loved about it (besides his warm insights on life) was the techniques he used to enhance his readers’ engagement. You’ll find the DECONSTRUCT SCHEME below and some Continue Reading
Your MIND during a WEEK.
I am seating with a mild coffee, happily soaked into the Sunday’s wonderful sun blaze after I finished a refreshing run. God, I love running on weekend days! The joy of exercising under a sunny sky, after a good lunch nap is pure infatuation. I stopped by Gioelia candy shop (ex Emilia) and got one Continue Reading
Hiking on the whitest peaks, Having sun kissing your cheeks, Freeing lungs of CO2, Breathing freedom’s endless blue. Loving nature’s glowing blaze, Leaving mind’s entangled maze, Sliding down the feeling slope, Drinking energy like dope. All the races turned to steam, Steam to flakes in winter theme, Put your Frozen suit and dance, Breath, enjoy Continue Reading
T A N D E M • 30 Jan 2021
Bate vântul peste creastă,Se împrăștie fricile,Tragi mai jos de pelerinăSă-ți acoperi visele. Doi coboară, șase urcăCinci s-au răzgândit pe drumUnul tace și absoarbeLiniștea de “nu știu cum”. Ochii-ți strălucesc de viațăȘi-ți cuprind dorința trează –Suflul ce-ți hrănește zilnicInima ce tot crează. Bate vântul peste creastăBrațele încep să doarăVisele-ți par tot mai multeȘi mai greu de Continue Reading
Storytelling Strategy: Inside of the mind of genius writer
Dan Brown is an American author best known for his thriller novels, including: The Da Vinci Code (2003), The Lost Symbol (2009), Inferno (2013) or Origin (2017). His novels are treasure hunts that feature recurring themes of cryptography, art, science and disruptive discoveries with the potential of global impact. His books have been translated into 57 languages Continue Reading
SETH GODIN’S STRATEGY on approaching over 20 types of personas
If you ever had the chance of listening to Seth Godin, you know that he has a particular style of hooking one’s attention for the whole length of his storytelling. I had the opportunity of listening to him, both, in a live session (via BRAND MINDS) as well as online, and the effect was just as Continue Reading
The Ultimate Proof of Love
Have you ever wondered why we plan so much in life? Mostly, to achieve a desired goal, to arrive at a destination in time, or to make sure certain things happen. And yet, the real question is: Is planning really enough? Is it sufficient to establish a route, if you don’t have the amount of commitment Continue Reading
WHY we absorb TIME in a LINEAR way, while perceiving it in a CIRCULAR way?
If you are rather a visual person, I attached at the end of the article some screenshots that sum up the ideas in a more visual way. They help me get a clearer picture and they might help you too. Enjoy! Did you ever think about TIME and the ways you PERCEIVE & EXPERIENCE it? Continue Reading
HEROES | 22 OCTOBER 2020 • Poetry inspired by Roman Tolici‘s art.• I’ve got too many dreams for a life that is endless There’s an ocean of passion and visions that flow There are nights that are days for their stories are breathless While it feels like their chapters are written to glow. The freedom of Continue Reading