Hiking on the whitest peaks,  Having sun kissing your cheeks, Freeing lungs of CO2, Breathing freedom’s endless blue. Loving nature’s glowing blaze, Leaving mind’s entangled maze, Sliding down the feeling slope, Drinking energy like dope. All the races turned to steam, Steam to flakes in winter theme, Put your Frozen suit and dance, Breath, enjoy Continue Reading

T A N D E M • 30 Jan 2021

Bate vântul peste creastă,Se împrăștie fricile,Tragi mai jos de pelerinăSă-ți acoperi visele. Doi coboară, șase urcăCinci s-au răzgândit pe drumUnul tace și absoarbeLiniștea de “nu știu cum”. Ochii-ți strălucesc de viațăȘi-ți cuprind dorința trează –Suflul ce-ți hrănește zilnicInima ce tot crează. Bate vântul peste creastăBrațele încep să doarăVisele-ți par tot mai multeȘi mai greu de Continue Reading

Storytelling Strategy: Inside of the mind of genius writer

Dan Brown is an American author best known for his thriller novels, including: The Da Vinci Code (2003), The Lost Symbol (2009),  Inferno (2013) or  Origin (2017). His novels are treasure hunts that feature recurring themes of cryptography, art, science and disruptive discoveries with the potential of global impact.  His books have been translated into 57 languages Continue Reading