When we think global brands we think names that are easily encountered in our daily vocabulary, brands & companies we know and consume, while it seems as if they have been there since ever. BUT HOW ARE GLOBAL BRANDS & COMPANIES CREATED? There are some fundamental rules, there are industry variations at the same time Continue Reading
If you get the chance to read Matthew McConaughey’s memoir these days, do it. It’s a really food book that gets you immersed into great stories. What I loved about it (besides his warm insights on life) was the techniques he used to enhance his readers’ engagement. You’ll find the DECONSTRUCT SCHEME below and some Continue Reading
Facebook își lansează rachetă cu reacție
Facebook is launching! Again. Poate că nu lansează încă o rachetă branduită, dar sigur lansează una către un nou news-feed. Noul feature este încă în perioada de testing, așa că celor mai mulți dintre noi, se prea poate să nu le fi apărut, încă, icon-ul ”rachetă”. Hello from the other side! Cum funcționează? Ce vei Continue Reading